Archivio tag: yoga

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Perché abbinare lo Yoga al Pilates Reformer?

Perché lo Yoga non si pone solo come una disciplina centrata sulle abilità del corpo fisico: flessibilità, agilità e coordinazione. Con lo Yoga si riesce a portare il focus sulla respirazione e alla percezione del sé.

Gli allenamenti con il Reformer / Tower aiutano in modo diretto i muscoli stabilizzatori in grado di migliorare la postura, l’equilibrio e il corretto allineamento della colonna. Coinvolge tutta la muscolatura, profonda e distrettuale, favorendo l’allungamento ma anche il rinforzo.

Prenota la tua 1a lezione con la valutazione posturale a €30 al 346 6843037 e poi decidi se continuare e come.

Combo Yoga e Pilates Reformer

12 lezioni di Reformer (gruppi di 4 o 5) + 12 lezioni di Yoga distribuite in 12 settimane:

Oppure solo Reformer 2 volte alla settimana

12 lezioni di Pilates Reformer (gruppi di 4 o 5) in 6 settimane per un risultato d’impatto sulla tua postura e sulla tonicità muscolare.

Ashtanga Yoga – La 1a serie Passo a Passo

Workshop di 3 ore rivolto a tutti, specialmente a chi ha iniziato da poco e ha bisogno di più spiegazioni riguardo la pratica della 1a serie. Studieremo nel dettaglio le posture e la logica delle sequenze, seguendo la loro disposizione originale.

Contributo: €30 soci di Ashtanga Yoga Modena ASD / €40 non soci
Data: Sabato 7 dicembre dalle 9.00 alle 12.00
Luogo: Via Notari, 94 Modena
Prenotazioni al 346 6843037 . É necessario iscriversi entro il 5 dicembre per il saldo del corso.



Danny Paradise a Modena, settembre 2017

Danny Paradise a Modena, settembre 2017

We are very happy to receive Danny for the 3rd time in Modena! I’ve been studying with this Amazing tezher for the last 6 years and I feel so blessed to see him again at my school!

This is not the “traditional Ashtanga” workshop, but an opportunity to go deeper into the self through all the practices  proposed by Danny: meditative, ritualistic and the therapeutic exploration of Pranayama, Asanas, Egyptian and Taoist poses, besides the Kung Fu and Tai Chi influences.

The sessions include discussions, Pranayama and Asana. Each asana class will also include derivative poses and modifications to show how to keep expanding the practices of Ashtanga Yoga to make them a joyous, sacred, lifetime, healing, unlimited exploration. “Yoga arose out of man’s perception of nature and is a journey back to Nature.” As an ancient Shamanic practice, Yoga is about creating personal empowerment, personal authority and total freedom with an understanding that Nature is our Spiritual Teacher and Guide. Danny Paradise has been practising Ashtanga Yoga since 1976 and teaching worldwide since 1979. He initially studied with the first Western teachers of Ashtanga, David Williams and Nancy Gilgoff. Danny learned the beginning and advanced sequences from them over five years and has studied with Sri Pattabhi Jois in 1978 and 1980. Danny has also studied and practised with Yoga teachers and Spiritual guides in many other lineages and traditions as well as teachers of Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Karate. Since 1979 Danny has introduced all levels of the practices of Ashtanga Yoga to students and teachers worldwide. He has also introduced the Ashtanga practices to world renowned artists, musicians, dancers, Buddhist Lamas, actors and sports champions. He incorporates several indigenous spiritual traditions into the practice and philosophy of Yoga, relating Yoga to all Shamanic nature-based  cultures. Danny draws from the teachings of Krishnamurti, Buddha, ancient Egypt as well as many Indigenous Cultures: Hawaiian, Mayan, Native Americans. Danny passes on ancient traditions in a non-dogmatic, contemporary, compassionate, humorous way. His purpose is to help people  develop a Sacred, safe, meditative, healing, joyful, expanding, pain free, personal self-practice. Danny teaches all the Ashtanga sequences with emphasis on an expanding evolving practice. He shows derivative poses, modifications and variations within the structure of all the sequences of  Ashtanga Yoga.  Classes include Pranayama, Asana and open discussions on topics such as:

  1. Shamanic and Historical Roots of Yoga and the connection to other ancient cultures: Egyptian, Mayan, North and South American Native, Chinese, Polynesian.
  2. Healing Processes of Ashtanga Yoga, and other healing traditions.
  3. Relationship of Yoga to Sacred Indigenous Spiritual traditions worldwide.
  4. Spiritual Intelligence and Evolution.
  5. Responsibility, Personal Authority, The Sacred, Fulfilling Personal Destiny and Yoga.
  6. Food, Diet and the dangers of the Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Genetically Modified Food Industries.
  7. Medical Intuition: Understanding the processes that create disease and healing and the relationship to Chakras and glandular systems.
  8. Yogic and Shamanic perspectives on aging and Death.


THE CLASSES ARE SUITABLE FOR ALL AGES AND LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE from beginning students to advanced practitioners and teachers of ALL forms of YOGA. These classes are considered to be Teacher Training sessions as well.


1st class Friday September 15th, 2015 – 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm Yoga and Shamanism:  journey of the soul, connections of Yoga to sacred indigenous spiritual traditions, fulfilling personal destiny, your dream as your masterpiece, conscious evolution. Practice: Introduction to Danny’s approach: expanded exploration of standing sequence and finishing poses, including derivative routines, variations, Egyptian elements, modifications.

2nd class Saturday September 16th, 2015 – 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm Healing perspectives of Yoga, shamanism, and indigenous traditions worldwide, personal authority, personal responsibility, freedom, developing a lifetime sacred, healing practice. Practice: Ashtanga Yoga Pranayama, expanded standing sequence with derivative routines, modifications, variations, introduction to primary series and  2nd series for all levels of practitioners of all forms of Yoga.

3rd class Sunday September 17th, 2015 – 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm Chakras: balancing life force, Yoga, shamanism and aging, approaching transition with vitality and in clarity and peace.  Practice: Ashtanga Yoga Pranayama, expanded standing sequence, 2nd and 3rd series and beyond, derivative routines. We kindly ask you to be punctual. It may be possible that classes finish a little longer, Danny just let himself go!!! This Immersion is suitable for all ages and all levels of practice, from beginning students to advanced practitioners, teacher trainees and teachers of ALL forms of YOGA. The Immersion classes, as taught, are considered to be a real Teacher Training sessions as well.

Danny Paradise a Modena, settembre 2015

Danny Paradise a Modena, settembre 2015

RESERVATION PROCEDURE: Due to the limited number of spaces available for this workshops we only accept binding reservations with full pre-payment of the workshop fees. With full payment of the workshop fee your are firmly booked for the workshop. In case you cannot come, you can name another person who can come instead of you. Priority will be given to the participants of the full workshop.


Each session: € 65,00/Full Workshop: € 180,00

4+ students Group same school: € 160,00

Application fee: €5,00

Payment: “Your Name & Surname WS Danny Paradise”.


IBAN: IT92Z0538712919000002483126



Afterwards you’ll receive a confirmation and all info about places to stay and facilities in Modena. For further information, please contact Isabella at +39.346 6843037 or See also Thank you!

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YOGAMO 2016: una giornata di Yoga, Pilates, Gong e Karate in beneficenza

Dopo la massiva partecipazione di tanti yogi e yogini l’anno scorso, vi presentiamo YOGAMO 2016 in favore di Time4Life International perché la nostra pratica e spirito di solidarietà possa continuare ad aiutare tanti bambini. Segnate la data nella vostra agenda: SABATO 5 MARZO ci saranno 6 lezioni di Yoga, 1 lezione di Pilates, 1 bagno di Gong e 1 allenamento di Karate in uno dei luoghi più belli della città: ESPO, dove potete arrivare in bici o direttamente in treno se venite da altre città. Tutti gli insegnanti sono volontari e questa raccolta fondi sarà donata totalmente al beneficiario. È un’occasione per aiutare il prossimo e per provare i diversi metodi di Yoga con solo insegnanti certificati! Partecipate e passate parola!

Yogamo 2016

DOVE: YOGAMO 2016 si terrà presso la palazzina delle ex poste, a fianco della stazione dei treni. L’edificio, realizzato a metà del 1900, è stato rinnovato ed è un luogo di accoglienza turistica, di cultura e valorizzazione del capitale umano e di promozione dell’eccellenze del nostro territorio.
Molto comodo per chi viene in treno. È possibile raggiungere le istallazioni direttamente dal binario 1, camminando verso sinistra o da Via dell’Abate, 66, la palazzina rimane a destra della stazione.
Chi non ha ancora acquistato gli ingressi, chiediamo di arrivare con almeno 20-30 minuti di anticipo per l’iscrizione e pagamento.
C’è la possibilità di mangiare qualcosa veloce o un piatto vegano caldo presso il ristorantino “Io Veg” all’interno della stessa struttura.
Portate con voi il vostro tappetino (ci sono circa 20 tappetini a disposizioni dei principianti) e un piccolo asciugamano. Chi partecipa al Bagno di Gong alle 16.30 deve portare una coperta o plaid, calze e felpa perché la sessione di svolge sdraiati nel tappetino ed è naturale sentire un po’ più freddo quando si sta fermi. Comunque i locali sono ben scaldati e ci sono i bagni e spogliatoi per cambiarsi.
Spero vedervi numerosi!

Leggete l’articolo su Il Resto del Carlino di Modena:


Dettagli delle lezioni del mattino DALLE 8.30 ALLE 13.00:

Questa parte della giornata è stata dedicata ai metodi più dinamici e gradualmente il ritmo rallenta fino alle 16.30 con il Bagno di Gong.  Presentiamo gli insegnanti che guideranno le lezioni del mattino:

8.30 Anusara Yoga con Lucia Landi
9.30 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga con Isabella Furtado
11.00 Metodo Parinama (Hatha Yoga) con Massimo Provasi
12.00 Yoga Bioenergetico con Lino SambucoYogamo 2016 Mattino

Dettagli delle lezioni del pomeriggio DALLE 13.30 ALLE 18.30:

Metodi meno dinamici, escluso l’allenamento di Karate che è invece molto dinamico e specifico.

13.30 Pilates con Francesca Pasquariello
14.30 Hatha Yoga con Mirna Valentini
15.30 Iyengar Yoga con Roberta Gavioli
16.30 Bagno di Gong con Caterina Caizzone
17.30 Incontro di Karate con Francesco Cuoghi della Palestra Nenryukan Formigine

Yogamo 2016 pomeriggio

I nostri sponsor:


Read the complete interview of Danny Paradise: Evolution and Ashtanga Yoga in Modena

An awesome talk with with Danny Paradise, Yoga teacher and guru of the stars in

Chiara Mastria

Chiara Mastria

Modena, Italy. By Chiara Mastria from Resto Del Carlino Modena.

How and when have you started practicing Ashtanga yoga?

DP – I began studying Ashtanga Yoga in Maui, Hawaii on a May 2nd, 1976 with the first Western adepts and teachers of the practices, David Williams and Nancy Gilgoff. I studied with them off and on for 5 years. I had studied Martial Arts as a teenager and was an athlete. An older Yoga friend in Hawaii told me and others that two young Yoga teachers had arrived and were going to give a demonstration of Ashtanga Yoga. At the time no one had ever heard of the practice. David and Nancy did a wild advanced demonstration…showing extreme strength, flexibility and balance. The next day in a beautiful shaded park 35 people started the practice with them. I broke into a sweat that day after 10 seconds in the first posture they taught. I realized that this was something completely new for me and extremely deep and powerful…I’ve continued the practices since then –  for 39 years.  I have also studied with the Indian teacher of the form…Sri K Patabbhi Jois in 1978 and 1980 in California and Hawaii.

Why is it so appreciated in western countries?

DP – I think Ashtanga Yoga is appreciated all over the world when it’s taught properly and carefully. People see dramatic results and positive changes in their lives. Their immune system is boosted, They create greater health, energy and vitality as well as strength, balance and flexibility. Many conditions can be healed. Stress, anxiety and all tension can be eliminated. They come deeply into the Present. They learn the evolutionary practices and suggestions of our Ancestors who were concerned with helping people lead the most healthful, tranquil, creative lives possible. Learning the disciplines of the exploration of Yoga helps to clarify the mind, increase perception, intuition and ways of seeing beyond ordinary reality…. All Yoga works in this way, fine tuning people’s senses and putting them more in sync with the flow and power of Nature. Ashtanga Yoga contains more concentrated aspects of the practices of Yoga. It also helps nurture independence and freedom to explore the practices on your own once you’ve studied for a period of time. The practices naturally slow down the mind and create the ability for deeper concentration, meditation and communication with the soul and the Great Soul. These are ancient Shamanic practices that deeply resonate with the soul.

In other words…Yoga works! You get a bigger picture…

You have taught too many celebrities like Madonna and Sting. Are they good students?

DP – They love the practices of Ashtanga Yoga and have great respect for Yoga.   All the more well known people, artists, musicians I’ve taught were excellent students and already quite disciplined when I met them. To survive in life in general and the Entertainment Business, certainly for so long, requires being on top of one’s health, clarity and vitality. Yoga in my experience is a foundation for living; It pulls people’s lives together in deep natural ways. If you do the work at your foundation then you are creating more opportunities for yourself and more clarity for your own personal life and art. Or another way to say this is: You can handle the opportunities that come your way and meet the challenges of life with full energy and responsibility…

We know that you have taught also to Luciano Pavarotti. How did it happen? So, considering that Pavarotti did yoga with you, anyone can do it, right?

DP – I met Luciano Pavarotti and Nicoletta through Luciano’s good friend, the amazing Classical Flutist Andrea Griminelli.  Andrea is considered the world’s greatest classical flutist and he toured often with Luciano. Over the years I worked with Sting and his wife Trudie, I met Andrea Griminelli who was also their very good friend…Andrea studied Yoga with me at Sting and Trudie’s house on numerous occasions. He liked the practices and one day he suggested I meet Luciano and Nicoletta and see if they wanted to learn Yoga. Soon after I came to their apartment in NY and introduced the practices to them. I taught them over numerous visits to NY and in Europe.

The practices of Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga can be taught to anyone by an experienced and sensitive teacher. Everything can be modified to suit each physical and psychological condition of the students. Luciano obviously had an amazing understanding of breath and that is really the essence of the practices of classical Yoga. He had certain obvious limitations especially because of a bad hip at the time but he was able to learn basic movements and some of the principles of the practices. He was also enthusiastic and a very sweet man. So to answer your question; Anyone can learn apects of the practices of Yoga- at any age, physiological or emotional condition.

What’s your typical day?

DP – I’ve been traveling and teaching Yoga around the world since 1979. When I’m not traveling and teaching I live in the Hawaiian Islands in a remote rainforest.  Most days of the week I practice Pranayama for 40 minutes in the mornings which is a series of breathing exercises. After a break I do an hour and a half to two hours of Asana practice based on the sequences of Ashtanga Yoga. I practice Kung Fu and incorporate some of the movements and postures from Kung Fu into my Yoga practice.  I also play music, compose songs and do performance. I usually work on music each day.  After my daily routine if I’m teaching I have my class. Otherwise, if I’m not teaching and I’m home I enjoy the powerful gifts of Nature where I live –  swim each day in the ocean, work in the jungle garden…

What do you think about the contemporary way of life?

DP – Whose contemporary way of life? I aim to spend as much time as possible in Nature. When I can be immersed in Nature for long periods of time my life force increases and that makes it easier for me to travel, explore new regions as well as teach. The general urban contemporary lifestyle is not something I spend a lot of time in. I encourage people to spend more time in Nature. At the same time there are tremendously talented people living in Urban zones. There are huge new Communities of people learning Yoga and changing their lifestyle in a positive way to meet the challenge of growing older with vitality, clarity, health and creativity. After all, if we are creating this dream we all have to begin to work together in compassion and clarity to clean up the mess that is happening all around us. The big cities are toxic in many ways with tremendous pollution, stress, anxiety and fear…All these elements shorten life.

The solutions to these problems exist. If people have to continue living in giant urban places and if they come together and apply their knowledge and wisdom the cities can radically change for the positive.  The solutions are clear and simple. For example, rooftop gardens are a revolution in Urban centers now. Clever teachers are starting gardens at schools so children can learn to grow their own food… Many cities around the world are cleaning up their rivers and waterways after realizing they have no choice! They build beautiful parks and gardens around the rivers and nature dramatically responds as a result. This is the beginning of a deep healing. In order for people to survive nature has to be cleansed from the damage mankind has been inflicting upon it.

What’s the greatest teaching that you received from yoga? 

DP – Certainly how to create peace, tranquility and a healing life-force each day…How to manifest my dreams, how to take care of my health and well being, how to attempt to age gracefully with energy and clarity and learn how to communicate with Gaia – the living force of Nature. Yoga also nurtures independence, freedom, personal authority and personal responsibility. For me Yoga has been an endless evolving evolutionary tool.

This is the second time that Ashtanga Yoga Modena organize your workshop here. In Italy we usually say that there is always a third time, after the second… So, when are you coming to visit us again?  

DP – I’ll come back as soon as I can!  Italy is an amazing country with vibrant people, a phenomenal living history and beautiful nature… I move around the world traveling, teaching and playing music. I try to come back often to beautiful places with an expanding community of friends who are exploring the ancestral and evolutionary practices of Yoga. Isabella Furtado of Modena is an excellent, sweet, dedicated, enthusiastic practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga Yoga. I’m very thankful that she invited me to come back to Modena!

With Peace and Blessings,

Danny Paradise